Forums - Magneto has lost his magic Show all 44 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- Magneto has lost his magic ( Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 03:43 AM: Ok i officialy take magneto out of my team where i live at he is worthless everyone has got the smashing down and they never miss it is so damn easy to do, u barely have to smash im so disapointed with magnus i remember when there was a time where u can kill a perosn with magnus only, now he is just a low tier character for me =0( capcom should fix that for the next instalment of the vs series make is harder to smash out........ and dont come giving me that BS that he can be mare dangearous like that all he is good for is a battery and thats it he is pathetic =0( Posted by §inn on 04:29:2001 03:56 AM: is that why he wins tourneys..? Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 04:02 AM: he probably wins because the person dosent know how to smash and that was last years tourny's this year everyone has new arsenals and they can to this motion with the joystick and wait for him to say hyper <-,->,<- and smash crap u only have to pass your hand overt the buttons 3 times and ur in the clear Posted by DavestA on 04:29:2001 04:18 AM: maybe ur just not good enuff to beat people with him? ever think of that Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 04:22 AM: maybe but i mean ppl where smashing out of the combo so easy it wasnt even funny i was so pissed i would do the long combo to try to confuse them but they still got out of it and they werent smashing like maniacs the would smash the button like 3 times and they were out of the combo so i had to drop magneto he was worthless Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 04:25 AM: oh and Davesta i know im not the best player in the world =0) i just play for the love of it and plus u would be pissed to if that happend to u if they would just smash out of it and then not just once every tme u do the damn combo Posted by captainsaveahoe on 04:29:2001 04:44 AM: Why do his tempest combo, just do reg combos, you do know how to do combos right, hahahhahahahha, Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 04:48 AM: i think lets see his combos go like this luanch lp,lk,mp,pause,lp,lk,mp airdash lp,lk,mk if u want after the the lasts hits u can puase again and do 4 more hits but the more hits u do the less damage u dish out smart ass or u can do launch and shockwave super ore otg lk,hk hypergrav luanch and aircombo or standing hk quicly cancel to hypergrav aircombo all this combos with out the finishing touch all they do is build up metter that is just no fun dammit !!! Posted by KRaZeEKoReaN on 04:29:2001 04:53 AM: obviously u r a scrub u r such a scrub????? last year tourneys lol people still use mag in tourneys and it is kind of hard to mash out of it??? people don't know how to mash out of it??? look at all the SHGL tourneys scrub before u rant about something stupid like this Posted by KusanagiClan on 04:29:2001 04:53 AM: Ever thought of just doing a magnetic shockwave after the launcher? And there's a lot of new ways to kinda lead one combo into another, which will take off as much as probably two tempests if you get the entire thing. Don't whine about old methods not working and try to find new ones. Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 04:57 AM: korean im not going to say u are a srub or anything cuz i dont live were u live at to see if u are any good is not hard to smash out of it ppl smash out of it as it were a joke it so simple when they have u in the air combo u wait till the person throws the hyper grave there u do this <-,->.<- smash in the same directing as the joystick and dont go nuts smashing when u move the joystick back u swipe your hand on the buttons to the back when u move it foward swipe foward pracitce this a couple of times and it's easy i thought it was hard but i was proven wrong today when i friend of mines explaind it to me Posted by State of Nature on 04:29:2001 05:00 AM: Magneto is still excellent even with mashing. I'm surprised your comp is so good at mashing out. Mags is still great because of his excellent rushdown. There's more to him than just tempest combos, try doing the shockwave, or doing DHCs to get your damage. Come to NYC sometimes, and go to Chinatown Fair and if you are lucky Justin Wong might pull out his Mags which would definitely inspire you to get better. Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 05:04 AM: next time i visit my pops in NY ill go yes i need insparition cuz after today i lost it all man i was pissed if u would just see ppl they swipe the button at most 2 times and they were out and i thought i was pure luck cuz normally they wouldnt get out but suddenlly eveyone got th tric to it and they smash and laugh at magneto =0( Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 05:14 AM: oooh and i can see ppl are going nuts insulting me here but hey im just speaking my mind =0) KusanagiClan be more specific on those me methods with magnus Posted by daher1234 on 04:29:2001 05:31 AM: Magneto is still top-tier because of his manueverability and damaging combos. Lay off of poor astro, he's just voicing his opinion. If you feel he's wrong, point it out to him in a thoughtful manner and give examples for your opinion. Don't just start insulting the guy. Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 05:34 AM: Thank u =0) Posted by Slick Rik on 04:29:2001 05:45 AM: Just rush down and get decent damage. But when u do happen to get in the magnetic tempest combo and know they can mash just dhc to storms hailstorm. It still takes damage and its not that bad since you already said that he's a battery. Posted by KusanagiClan on 04:29:2001 05:46 AM: astro, go watch the shadyK match over at he has one hell of a magneto. He raped someone's cyclops within seconds using several combos into yet another combo. Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 05:52 AM: thanks KusanagiClan Posted by BlackShinobi on 04:29:2001 06:01 AM: You do realize that Magneto can do a 20+ hit air combo with no tempest don't you. I've seen one magneto combo that takes 60%(no tempest) damage before you even get in the air Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 06:07 AM: Yes i know and eveytime u do it u can get a full super bar damn slick rik i had completely forgotten about that combination =0D thanx and it does alot of damage too =0D Posted by astro86 on 04:29:2001 06:37 AM: Ok thank u KusanagiClan for the url i have a new motivation thanx to that vid i retarct ma comment magnus has not los his magic =0D Posted by Nate X Grey on 04:29:2001 03:41 PM: Magneto isn't worthless. He still has much unfulfilled potential. I'm finding new tricks with him each passing day and would you believe that Magneto can kill you in a single launch WITHOUT using a single super meter? Unless you're a psychic or have god-like reflexes... you ain't stopping Magneto from landing at least 2 different combos on you in a row once you get launched. There's so much he can do to you after the c.hp that he doesn't even need to bust out his tempest to kill a full life character. Posted by on 04:29:2001 03:44 PM: Well, Magneto does kick ass, he owns almost every combo character (Spidey, Psylocke, Storm (but she beats him once in a while). I don't know what you're smoking, but the guy who has the fastest air/ground dash, most damaging air combos and overall usefulness stays in my team. Posted by MAGUS1234 on 04:29:2001 07:36 PM: actually if your good enough it doesnt matter if ppl can mash out of it i mean mags got combos that put you in unmashable tempest you just have to know these rediculosly long combos but if you like mag you have to. Posted by Dynamyte2U on 04:29:2001 09:54 PM: astro, your english is horrible. Anyways, why is everyone always talking as if the Mash-escape is a new thing. It's been possible to escape from the grav-tempest ever since the game was released. It's not like it hasn't been there before. Anyways, even without the Grav-Tempest combo, Magneto still has the fastest dash, quickest air-dash, and best Triangle Jump in the game. Who needs Grav-Tempest. He's good with or without it. It's an awesome combo, but Magneto is just fine without it. Posted by §inn on 04:29:2001 11:33 PM: i could be wrong, but doing a lil mashing when your the one doing the tempest seems to make it harder to mash out. i suggest you all test this, it seems to work a little for me. Posted by REALPLAYER on 04:30:2001 01:18 AM: quote: Originally posted by astro86 Ok i officialy take magneto out of my team where i live at he is worthless everyone has got the smashing down and they never miss it is so damn easy to do, u barely have to smash im so disapointed with magnus i remember when there was a time where u can kill a perosn with magnus only, now he is just a low tier character for me =0( capcom should fix that for the next instalment of the vs series make is harder to smash out........ and dont come giving me that BS that he can be mare dangearous like that all he is good for is a battery and thats it he is pathetic =0( Yeah, it does suck that everyone can mash out of his combos. But Mag is still good and here's why... 1. FASTEST wavedash!! He's hard to runaway from. Doom and Blackheart stand no chance! 2. FASTEST airdash. Can escape MANY traps with his air/ground dashes. 3. Don't forget about Mags SNAPBACK--->Helper Infinite. This requires some anticipation but the opportunity presents itself almost every match. On top of that, he has the easiest helper infinite. Sometimes you can even take a hit, and kill the helper before they get a chance to leave. Mag + Tempest Combos = Killer Bee Mag + No Tempest Combos = Annoying ass Sandfly Posted by KusanagiClan on 04:30:2001 03:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by astro86 Ok thank u KusanagiClan for the url i have a new motivation thanx to that vid i retarct ma comment magnus has not los his magic =0D no problem, but you should thank shadyk for being a psycho with Magneto. If Justin Wong is really so much better than everyone else with mags(which I have doubts about) it'll be really sick to see. Posted by Paxtez on 04:30:2001 11:59 AM: You are a moron... Mag has the strongest non-infinate air combo that doesn't require a super (except maybe kens). But then again your scrubby ass probally just lp,lk,lp,lk grabxxtempest or even less right? When you do his full air combo is takes off so much its nuts, who cares if they mash the super. Or just dhc into another super like storms hail, he still takes tons of damage. Posted by cheese_master on 04:30:2001 02:35 PM: Paxtez, I think you need to watch what you say... you are calling other people morons... when you should realize Ironman and War Machine have the highest damaging non- infinite and non-super AC in the game. Posted by astro86 on 04:30:2001 07:24 PM: i know my spelling is horrible my bad i dont take the time to read what i type oh and there is no need for insults ok i posted this upt to see ppl. opinions not their insults. Posted by Optiks on 04:30:2001 07:52 PM: quote: Originally posted by astro86 i dont take the time to read what i type Please do because it makes your posts much easier to read and people will take you much more seriously. Posted by Fakefist on 04:30:2001 09:05 PM: my two cents about Mags is this: when you find yourself kinda *blah* and getting shutdown w/ Mags, it's usually an indication that you need to experiment and come up with new tricks. Mags is such a well-rounded, mind-game oriented rushdown character, you can't just lean on a couple of tactics and hope people are sleeping. A good mag fucks w/ your head the whole time he's out there, then usually kills you off of one or two clean hits. Posted by Truedragon on 04:30:2001 09:21 PM: try this one, psy,,,hyper grav,c.hp,magic series,hyper grav tempest, immediatly dhc into hailstorm, unescapable(thanx strider hiryu) if you immediatly dhc. You have to be with storm, but have you seen the damage!:0(over 2/3). And lets not get started about style points. You can replace the psy thing with any launch setup it's just that psy's is the coolest. Posted by ShadyK on 04:30:2001 09:27 PM: Magneto sucks! Why anyone would use him is beyond me....... Posted by Terazon on 04:30:2001 11:54 PM: quote: Originally posted by ShadyK Magneto sucks! Why anyone would use him is beyond me....... Magneto is either the 5th or 6th best character in the game. This response suggests one of 3 or 4 things 1]You are playing weak players. 2]You're good with and most likely only with his counter characters. 3]A combination of these. -#3 is most likely. I dislike Magneto, but even I an average player can see the monster he can be, a player who has only used him once. If I can get up enough nerve to use him again, eventually he might end up one of my faves. He may have lost some magic, but he hasn't lost enough to remove any effectiveness. quote: Originally posted by astro86 Ok i officialy take magneto out of my team where i live at he is worthless everyone has got the smashing down and they never miss it is so damn easy to do, u barely have to smash im so disapointed with magnus i remember when there was a time where u can kill a perosn with magnus only, now he is just a low tier character for me =0( capcom should fix that for the next instalment of the vs series make is harder to smash out........ and dont come giving me that BS that he can be mare dangearous like that all he is good for is a battery and thats it he is pathetic =0( Magneto isn't worth giving up on. As you can see from the above posts this character is well worth your while. Just get some better combos, and check out the site and download all of his infinites. You owe it to yourself [if you like Mags that is] to adjust to this vulnerability. Posted by astro86 on 05:01:2001 12:18 AM: ok i will take my time with my spelling sorry for the crappy spelling before.. i really am enjoying this post about mag im getting alot of feed back that i never put to use that i knew thanks =0) Posted by Shanghai Kid on 05:02:2001 12:40 AM: quote: Originally posted by Terazon Magneto is either the 5th or 6th best character in the game. This response suggests one of 3 or 4 things 1]You are playing weak players. 2]You're good with and most likely only with his counter characters. 3]A combination of these. -#3 is most likely. I dislike Magneto, but even I an average player can see the monster he can be, a player who has only used him once. If I can get up enough nerve to use him again, eventually he might end up one of my faves. He may have lost some magic, but he hasn't lost enough to remove any effectiveness. umm. ShadyK plays against Viscant and other california people regularly. Viscant thinks ShadyK has the best Magneto. I don't think this means he's playing weak players. Don't forget about MAy 5th. Posted by Wind on 05:02:2001 01:13 AM: quote: Originally posted by Terazon Magneto is either the 5th or 6th best character in the game. This response suggests one of 3 or 4 things 1]You are playing weak players. 2]You're good with and most likely only with his counter characters. 3]A combination of these. -#3 is most likely. I dislike Magneto, but even I an average player can see the monster he can be, a player who has only used him once. If I can get up enough nerve to use him again, eventually he might end up one of my faves. He may have lost some magic, but he hasn't lost enough to remove any effectiveness. I believe ShadyK was being sarcastic. Notice the big simile face . Infact, ShadyK is one of(if not) the best Magneto player(s). Posted by Nate X Grey on 05:02:2001 08:49 AM: ShadyK helped me learn alot about general rushdown with Magneto. So probably not only has a great Magneto, but is helpful as well. Anyway, Magneto kills you in ONE clean launch(Although its all tricks and can be blocked theoratically...) I doubt any other character can do that except maybe IM/WM and Storm. Magneto/Storm/Psylocke can pretty much trick you to death once Magneto gets in ONE launch. Posted by Jinmaster on 05:02:2001 04:40 PM: Well, the best Mag I know of is Ricky's, he can do the infinite off of the launcher or psylocke almost anywhere on almost anyone. Crazy thing is he doesn't even need it, most of the throw option combos off of psylocke reset the damage and usually kill you at mags whim. I can mash out of every AC hyper-grav tempest now, even in the corner. However, you can still combo the kick super off of a roundhouse thorw or pyslocke into c.short c.roundhouse juggle and get an almost unmashable tempest. You can mash out of the ground grav but you have to mash really damn hard and you usually will stick somethinig out that will let mag hit you again. A really good mag is high on the top tier IMO. Posted by Terazon on 05:05:2001 06:40 AM: umm. ShadyK plays against Viscant and other california people regularly. Viscant thinks ShadyK has the best Magneto. I don't think this means he's playing weak players. Don't forget about MAy 5th. You're probably right My mistake. Only an idiot would write something like magneto sucks and actually mean it. And about May 5? I think about it everyday. Posted by tab on 05:19:2001 02:12 AM: if you get the person in the corner they have a harder time to mash the combo All times are GMT. The time now is 01:12 AM. Show all 44 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.